Wednesday, 23 July 2008


I am so bored at work. It all seems so pointless. Thought I couldnt get on work email today ( no internet) but after having closed PC down several times its working. No idea what I shall do if it goes down. Since end of June had to access my emails from external site cos program went wrong on PC. They fixed it last thursday but since then have had no database access. Cannot do my job without it. Very very bored. Will need to cover reception tomorrow anyway cos 2 pepes are off and to be honest cant wait! At least I will have something to do. Boss still doing my head in over horse racing. Rest of staff as bad too. Mind you I couldnt resist telling my boss my union have asked me to strike. His face was a picture when he realised I am in a union. Ha! Totally pointless tho since no unions where I work. I just stayed in it since I feel safer. They cant stop me after all and if they are going to get rid of me I doubt it will make any difference either way. Just means they know they have to have a good reason. I dont actually want to wind em up and I suppose if they had got rid of me unfairly I would have had an ace to take action with legal support. I still have that tho and really i would prefer they just dont get rid of me cos sadly I need the money. I started a new blog the other day to stick my poetry on. Normally I just write on the walls but once the house is done up I have to use a note book. Well I think M would object to graffitti on teh walls once its all nice inside. Right now it doesnt matter. Have decided whats the point of writing into a note book. I will never get round to real publishing but can do so anyway by blogging it and at least then the odd random person will actually find it and read it. Rarely write anyway so there will not be loads. Usually only when something happens like the race course/work corporate do incident. Frustrated with having to work in a boring under paid job when could be sorting out my own company. I have so little time it seems to do anything for me. There has to be a better way to live than this me thinks. Had a meeting with the guy who will probably be printing soap labels on saturday morning. Normally would avoid doing anything work related at the weekend but its so different when its for your own company. Didnt mind at all. Was also quite an eye opener when M said he would like to run a shop. Maybe that will be the away forward for us. In theory as well we would then both be self employed. I am abit worried about just how much soap people will buy tho. I mean at £1:50 to £3:50 ish a bar (thats another thing - must actually get round to working out realistic prices!) thats alot of soap I need to make to be giving up full time work!

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