Monday, 4 January 2010

new soap

I finally started to experiment with shampoo bars. Have made Tea tree with neem. Over the last year I have had so many folks asking for this one I had to make it. Its curing now. I will know in about 24 hours what it loooks like cos I have atempted to colour with alkanet root which gives a varying blue/ pin colour depending on pH and quantity of herb used. Then started maing a grapefruit shampoo bar only to realise I have run out of castor oil - essential ingredient in shampoo bars! So had to ring the suppliers to get added to current order. They were at lunch so now waiting for call back. Anyway having been twarted at grpefruit I have made Orange ( normal) soap instead with calendula flowers felcxked thru if for orangey coloured bits - no idea if this will work but I reallyt need to add colour to my soaps. I have also been surfing - virtual style and found a natural food colouring suplier which I shall check out and if their products can be ok`d as vegan may well be taking this further. So have 2 new soaps currently in larder curing and in about a month will be sending out samples to the kind folks who give me feedback. Intending for a lemon and lavender shampoo bar as well since I have been using this one for a whole year and its nice - made using camomile infusion so good for blonds and may also do a rosemary one for brunettes. Heyho I love January - tho making no money at all!!! having said that have an order to deliver locally on wednesday and also have taken about £40 online but its not really anywhere near enough to live on and april is now very close and my savings will be gone after that! Still I may yet make this self employment work. After all the year is not over as yet is it...............

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