Tuesday, 6 October 2009

unfragranced moisturiser

Today at last I finally got round to making an unfragranced moisturiser. You would think it a logical first one to make but not for me. Anyway happy to say its very good. I made it really cos of customers asking for one. Hope it goes well. I havent done the labels yet but will do tomorrow cos it goes on sale on saturday. We did ok last weekend and it almost looks doable as my future work right now but I dare not be too hopeful. I have worked out I can survive on about 7k tho 10 would be much better. Less than this and I will starve to death! No idea if my current earnings are going to achieve anywhere near this tho. Come april 2010 I may well be out of business by the looks of it right now! Still onwards. Better to try and fail than spend your entire existance dreaming and never to ever go for it. Make it happen! I am certainly trying to do so. I had a second internet order which is encouraging and have learned ( yesterday at the website design course I am doing on monday evenings)to make templates for my website. That will save so much time. Right now I have to edit every page if I add anything new that needs a link. Means completely redoing my website tho. Still its another project...................
I made more apple wine which is now doing itself as it does and right now I am sitting drinking a quite acceptable glass of plum wine which is a nice rosey pink. Mmmmmm. maybe I should start selling country wines instead of soap!???

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