Monday, 10 November 2008

bsoaps on ooffoo

I have just been learning to upload files from Dreamweaver ( and other programs of similar types) in my website class only to discover - with considerable shock and also jubilation! that I have a web presence. Wow!! Or at least my soaps do. cant quite get over it. My soaps show up in a list of different addresses if you search for them. Its amazing. trouble is I still at the moment have no real website. I am on ooffoo tho. Here comes the soaps. I have to really knuckle down and do this website designing now since the web address doesnt point to anywhere right now which is a real pain. I could have hundreds of people looking to buy my products and no way to do so. Will they find ooffoo? will they buy from me. I have come to the conclusion the soap business is never going anywhere until I take the risk, chuck in my day job ( which pays the mortgage and bills!!) and go for it full time. Now other half is being laid off for a whole month tho I do not see how I can really do that. He working in the car industry ( what little we have left of it) and the company is shutting from 5th December to 5th january with no pay! How rubbish. No idea what we will do now and its right on christmas too. Well good thing we have no kids cos that would be even worse. We hopefully will get thru this. If its only a month we should be ok but if this goes on for longer I think we may well lose our house so not a time for me to be quitting my boring job. Thats not very secure either. Cant feel doom and gloom tho despite this. Seeing a list of links to Bsoaps was just so wild. Cant describe the happiness I feel right now or the fear cos what if it really takes off? Will I have enough soap to fill demands?? I suppose then it will be time to really go for it and quit the boring day job.............Bring it on............

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