Friday, 13 June 2008

animal rights vs career!

Today I was asked to attend on corporate dinner and go horse racin! Boss not happy with me. Had to telll em all I dont want to go for moral reasons. To be real needed to go to animal aid and look up death of racers figures. No one asked me tho! I am now an outsider! Will they sack me! Its quite scary cos cannot afford to lose my job. Even more so cos boiler (oil fired) was condemned last saturday

I think they will find a reason to get rid of or not need me. I do not fit in!I know most likely no-one is even reading this but either way its scary!

I want my own business. I want going to take a risk on it. May have to. Why do I need to be victimised when there are millions like me all over the planet. I am not alone.

WE are strong. We are vegetarian. We do not eat animals!

Very worrying!But it waS A CHOICE am i A HYpochrite or am I real.? M Told me to fake it, to go along and get involved. I am real tho. Me! true even tho many pepes do not agree with my beliefs.

Oh and M tells me |I am anully retentive!!!!!!! to ask for a questionaire to be complete for feedback from soap! DEvry one who has kindly done that all you need to do now is tell me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, there are loads of vegetarians out there, and people who aren't comfortable with horse racing etc! Totally ok to not go with work, and to explain why not in a simple non - judgemental way (i.e. I don't agree, sorry, but next time you're going out for drinks etc. would love to come.
Interestingly found similar issues when working in Kent, really missed the Guardian readers of London, and even now have to sometimes remind self there are other Daily Mail type readers out there.

And as someone who filled in a questionnaire - I thought it was actually a really good idea.

Don't forget there are other people who care about 'alternative issues', they're just not working in the corporate world usually, or are in the big cities!
