Thursday, 10 April 2008


I wanted to make a shampoo soap. Started the process and realised I do not have any jojoba oil. Decided to continue and if its just normal soap what the hell. Anyway extracted some camomile flowers - or made a very strong herbal tea since apparently its a natural dye. Well I have made yellow soap but no idea what it will look like in a month or so. Its curing now and have to say looks like a good one. Time will tell once it has cured. Nearly killed my tiny pepper seeds. Put em in the shed/ greenhouse and then it had to snow. M rescued them for me when he went to feed his fish and realised they had all wilted. Not lack of water tho but cold. They are looking much better now they are back inside the bathroom. The Broad beans are doing well and look like they need bigger pots so we will have to do something with them this weekend. Work is getting me down. I realy need the money since sadly I am not yet a millionaire or even self sufficient but its just so very boring. Mind you Germany was a great experience so maybe I am just an ungrateful bitch! Dont get me wrong, the folks are all very decent etc. I get a bit sick of the vegetarian rants tho really its been over 30 years so I should cope alright with it. Should be used to it by now. I would love to live in a world where people dont have to jibe at you all the time cos you dont eat another creature flesh. I dont even try to convert them. gave all that stuff up years ago. I accept them and tolerate their veiews but it seems they are mostly unable to do me the same courtesy. On top of that I think its just difficult trying to set up your own business and holding down a fulltime job at the same time. Its getting in the way. I would like to get up early spend my morning making products and my afternoons dealing with mundane stuff like research into different packaging etc or how to deal with the Tax man! I go on an inland revenue course next month tho so at least I am getting there now! Have been non alcoholic all week too. Dont really know why. Have wine in cupboard but just do not fancy it. Does that mean I am not an alcoholic after all ???

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