Monday, 7 April 2008

Just not enough time in the day

I dont really know why but I just seem to be really tired this week. Keep waking up very early and going to be very late which might have a bit to do with it all. Maybe its down to British summer time. I need to buy some oil for the car too. My poor neglected old banger. Cant put any oil in despite the fact she has absolutely zero without driving for 10 miles to the nearest garage since I seem to have run out. She sounds bad too so I think its a bit desperate. I just dont manage to remember oil. I think its to do with the fact you always get covered but its really sounding bad now so I had really better buy some tomorrow. Anyway assuming I can get to the local garage without murdering my poor car I will. Years ago when I was single I was really good with cars and even did my own services. Since getting together with M he usually does it all and infact has quite often insisted I let him so I did. Now I have got into the habit of ignoring my car and its always done for me he seems to have decided to leave it to me to do. Typical I suppose. Its a pain tho. Just hope my car makes it to the garage ok!

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