Monday, 11 February 2008


We ran out of wood. We need wood to run the wood burner. Altho we do have central heating using the woodburner means the house is very warm when it is on and doesnt deplete our heating oil. It heats the entire house if the doors are all left open which is great when you are the kind of person who leaves door open all the time. I was always in trouble as a kid for not "putting the wood in the hole". Anyway we ran out of wood a week or so ago and rather than spend a fortune on very expensive wood in plastic bags from up the road we decided to invest in a large amount. So anyway bought the wood off the internet. First there was a problem with World Pay and I got charged twice but the shop were great and refunded that without any problems (well other than the fact I worried for half the night before cos they were shut when I ordered! The trouble with buying off the internet is you tend to do it at 10pm at night which is fine when it all goes well but very worrying when things go wrong!) . Its cost us £5 more than buying 40 bags from up the road but we have twice to three times the amount of wood and it seems good. Well burns well which is all that matters. Trouble was it came in a very large bulk sack and we had to wheel barrow it all to the bottom of the garden and put it into a shed. No problem with shed space since we have loads but we had to fix the shed to make it weather proof ( it had no door) and the fact the garden is really long was a real pain. Still after an hour or so and loads of wheel barrows full we had it all moved. We then fixed the shed itself with old bits of recycled wood from our airing cupboard which was about to go down the tip. Hey, reduse reuse recyle. This was really it. Nice to be environmentally friendly and even better to do a job on the cheap and surprisingly the shed actually looks quite smart. And its waterproof. Bonus! The wood turns out to be better than the last lot we had from up the road too and there is loads of it. Should easily get us thru till the summer. Had to celebrate with a nice elderberry whiskey and followed with several sloe gins. That was saturday. Had a very merry celebration on sunday too. And if you dont count the spirits used to make the sloe gin and elderberry whiskey it seemed like a very cheap and countrified weekend. Took the dogs for very long muddy walks on saturday and on sunday and they were so filthy sunday they had a bath too so we now have 2 clean-ish dogs. All in all a good weekend.

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