Friday, 22 February 2008

Flu and pasta

Well spent last weekend ill with flu which sort of ruined a weekend if you see what I mean. It started on Friday ( valentines day!) when M was ill and then Saturday I went down with same disgusting illness. Not what you want at a weekend when the weather is reasonable - well for february it was nice - and anyway didnt really feel well till today. I actually went back to work on Wednesday which was seriously silly of me cos I was still ill. Havent been in this job for very long tho and worry they will find a reason to get rid of me. Or just not pay me when I was sick. I really do not know yet. I suppose I should ask but its a difficult one and I hate that sort of thing. Maybe I will have infected everyone!! Not that I particularly want to go around spreading horrible bugs but at least if they get ill they know you are telling the truth! Have eaten pasta nearly every day too since we were both not really feeling up to going shopping and we ran out of rice and spuds and all we had lots of was pasta. Lots of types of pasta but in the end its all the same really. Its just the sauce that changes. That wasnt very varied either since we had no tomatoes and had some of those stir threw sauces and pesto. Still I suppose thats why I buy them really. For the days when we either cant or dont want to do real cooking. Anyway felt pretty bad till today when I woke up feeling wonderful at 5:30 this morning. At least maybe this weekend will be better. M has this idea we will be putting up a fence this weekend. I am not at all sure about that but suppose since I am now healthy again there is no longer any excuse. Unless it rains of course. It would be great to finally get round to it so the dogs can really run. The garden is long enough that they could actually get up speed if it was secured by fencing. Oh my broad beans have started to grow. I bought 2 more propogaters and 2 heaters to stop frost. Well they are called Frost busters so I hope they work. I had to buy them cos when I took my tomatoe seeds out of the heated propogater we had an air frost which killed all but one of my poor tomatoe seedlings even tho they were in an unheated propogater in theory growing on. I was not happy. First ill, then dead tomoatoe plants. They were 2 weeks old as well so it was very sad. This morning tho I realised when I put them back into the heated propogater again ( well you have to hope) I actually managed to save one of my doomed tomatoe plants. Hopefully it will continue to live. I intend to cherish it. Anyway intend to get going with loads of seeds this weekend. Can now start off 6 varieties at once. Self sufficiency here we come!!!

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