Thursday, 17 February 2011

Walter and the garden

We have both seen Walter several times now. She disappeared for about 3-5 days after the last post and I really though she had gone. Then one evening there was a small pigeon in a terrible state on a tree in a neighbours garden. I could not see if it was Walter but bearing in mind shes the smalles pigeon round here I reckon it was. Anyway the next morning she came to eat when I pit the food and water out. She was not afraid to eat with me there and all other birds kept away as you would expect. The black birds obviously found this very annoying. Soince then I have seen her several times and she keeps returning to eat. It was really windy a couple pf weeks ago and M was putting plasterboard on the walls of one room we are decorating and he looked out the window to see Walter on next doors boiler house roof. She was not flying well apparently but it was gale force winds and no birds were. M reckoned she was watching me putting washing out on the line. Maybe when I was distraught thinking her missing forever she was always there. Since this we keep seeing her. I think perhaps she flew a long way from home and it took her several days to get back. She looked awful but maynbe this was down to the fact most people chase pigeons off bird tables and she is not used to having to hunt for food. Whatever happened to her in those 3 days she seems to be here to stay now. Maybe the exploring is done and now she will just carry on living here. Its weird cos I sware she calls for me. If I have not seen her you can hear a pigeon cooing and it continues until I go out of the house. I was lying in the bath and the cooing began and I got dried and dressed and went out of the back door and Wlater was there. I am assuming Walter is a she cos the ring is not all the way round her neck but I know noting realy about it so she could be a he. She eats with me there I think cos the other birds probably chase her off since she is small and with me around they do not eat - well with the exception of one dove and Walter can handle that one herself.

AS for the rest of teh garden: I have planted 3 kiwis ( Jenny so self fertile) and my Mum has just bought me a 4th one, 2 grape vines ( one is chardonay which I do not like but they only did 2 types in wilko so I bought one of each) a goji bush, 3 gooseberries and I have dug up and moved all the rasberry canes to a better spot. They were in the shade and now are on a bank and will get full sun. I couldnt get all of them out due to closeness to other shrubs but I still have a complete hedge accross the bottom of the veg patch. Also I have planted a fig tree and 2 rhubarb plants. Inside the cold frames: my peas are coming up, I also have some kale, purple sprouting and lupins starting off and a few shoots of lettuce. The lettuce is straight into the soil and the rest are all in trays or egg boxes. I will plant some more lettuce on Saturday since not working and the early seed potatoes are going into bags on the patio rather than the soil so I shall do these as well since a website I was reading said they can go in mid february if in bags. No idea what if anything is actually going to grow but the 8 climbing roses I planted are all but one growing so I am hopeful. Sadly the crocuses are making a lovely display hidden from sight next to the caravan since it never used to be there but never mind. You cannot win them all and I will plant some more somewhere else next autumn I think.

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