Sally became ill with an infection of the liver just after my last blog. First she got sour crop, then violent diahorea and followed by jaundice around her eyes if you turned her upside down the skin round her rear was yellow. I took her to the vet after her weight had dropped to 1.2kg. Vet reckoned she had a 50:50 chance and was probably over the worst and if she lived the next two days could be ok. That was the middle of September. Now its November and she is still here. Its been about 7 weeks since she came in and amazingly she has recovered from a liver infection which sent her skin and eye lids bright yellow. She also went down to 900g and is now back to 1800g so doing ok. Still not the 3kg she should be but given a week to integrate she should I reckon be able to stand up to the rest of the flock and move back into the hen house. None of them have so far reached the 3kg mark anyway despite me trying to get weight on them. All are around 2.5kg. She is still in the house in a rabbit cage and ventures into the garden regularly. Between eating tons of food,she keeps moaning at me to let her out and then when she has had enough she sits on the kitchen door step waiting for me to let her in just like a cat or dog. None of the others have done this when they have been ill. She seems to have no desire to return to the flock and avoids the aviary. I am going to seperate the run temporarily so she can be with them but not let them attack her. Brilliant tho cos I get my kitchen space back again at last. At least till another one gets ill. I will have to ring the vet and let her know she has got this far since most vets would have just put her down but I asked them to give her a chance (since the liver does heal) and it looks like it was worth the hassle it has been.
Now I am going to spend the next 6 days ( weekdays that is) writing my book. Then I will have another event as small animal sanctuary xmas thing on 20th and then Viva on 26th and that is it till xmas is done. Terrible year this one for me/my business and no events in December other than the usual small kings heath animal free xmas fair which is on 17th december so if like last year we may end up getting snowed in! hey it was a good one tho. Hopefully by January next year the book will finally be finished and then I can start to aproach publishers and hopefully get it into print and I can be a real author at last and get my book out there where it is possibly the only one of its kind so I will not write too much here about it.
Well for ages I had thought Walter our free flying pigeon had gone since she was not around then 15th September she turned up with her mate and two baby pigeons. They were feeding the babies on our fence. Sadly I was not fast enough with teh camera being amazed at the sight before me but I did take some photos a few days later when the parents were trying to get them weaned:
We finally took the abestos off the out-house roof and let the council know we needed to dispose of it. My permit has come from the waste transfer site at last so I can get rid it. Trouble is have spent the £50 we need to pay them. Still I will work something out. Wonder if they take credit cards? I will have to ring and ask and if yes get rid of the nasty stuff once and for all. We had on disposable suits and masks etc when we removed it and one lot of neighbours sensibly shut the windows and went inside but the other side sat out in the garden drinking tea and watched us. Well I know its the least dangerous sort of asbestos but how silly are they really! I always knew they are nosey but that is just stupid. They have exposed themselves to asbestos dust! I bought spanish slate tiles which my lovely Mick will put on eventually on the new roof. Trouble is he has again had loads of back pain so who knows when we will be warm this winter. If it comes to it I will have to try and do it myself but I am really not at all sure what I am doing when tiling roofs. Not quite like tiling a wall methinks! One day the house will be finished and not too long in the future I reckon. I have even started to wallpaper the bedroom. I found some paper for £2.50 a roll reduced in B&Q and its really quite nice. Juniper berries and greenery and makes a good bedroom wallpaper. Except I have possibly bought double what we needed since never having papered that room before had to estimate and have trashed only one bit so far. Since half the room is done with 3 rolls and still have 9 rolls left have somewhat of an excess. I could take it back since you have 90 days to do so but am considering doing teh spare room in teh same paper. After all we are not moving anytime soon and will change the main bedroom in probably about 5 years anyway so it would be a cheap way to finish the house and does it really matter if you have 2 bedrooms with the same paper?