Tuesday, 30 November 2010


For nearly 4 years I have cleaned my house with cotton reuseable floor and washing up cloths, minimal chemicals and just really bicarbonate of soda and occassional bleach. Today I gave in and bought some chemical floor cleaning wipes from Tesco. Very cheap. About £1 I think. I used to use them all the time but when we moved to the country I got all environmentally aware and decided to go natural. For the first time in ages my kitchen floor looks clean! Sorry but there is a place in my world for chemical cleaners. I have tried really hard. I have used soap nuts to wash my clothes and everything looked manky and old and worn and faded but then when I gave in and used biological powder all my old tatty rags looked ok again and were rejuvinated. I used soap nuts for just over 2 years. Maybe when I gave in with them that was when the rot set in. Today I have a very clean looking floor and mimimal work involved. I am back in the modern world it seems and wont be leaving soon. For ethical,planet saving, minimal polluting reasons I have tried and 4 years is a reasonable amount of trial I think but in the end I need to have my world clean. I will still try to use washable cotton cloths and natural non-polluting things if I can but I reckon at least once a month if not once a week I am returning to the chemical world where things just look cleaner. Sorry. I just cant help it.

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