Wednesday, 21 July 2010

dyeing tonight!

well I have been mega slack and am sure no one will ever bother to read any of what I say again unless by shere accident! loads and loads has happened but at least this time no one has died! I have done all sorts of events some brilliant, some rubbish. I suppose that is life if you are self employed. Right now I am in the midst of lots of dyeing- as in cheap black dye from supermarket ( sainsbury and asda -asda cheapest!) and am doing up all the rubbish coloured but ok designed clothes I have bought in the last 4 years or so sales. I missed the Next sale for the first time in about 5 years - had to work it tho not so sure I should have bothered since it was rubbish and next year maybe I should have that weekend off! so am making up for it by altering -to black/charcoal all the stuff I bought the last few years and you know what I bought £18 worth of dye and most of my naff coloured clothes are suddenly lovely. Black is cheapest- supermarkets sell no other colour tho I am intending to buy one full priced dye and do several other items I am eventually sorting. they are currently sitting on the back of the chair while I have done all else black. Maybe another colour like red or purple would be good - very goth all this - a new image eh!!!!!. There are just a small number of things I reckon will be better any other colour but one thing is certain - NO MORE BEIGE! I do not work in an office and I HATE beige. No offense intended here to all who do like this colour but it just is not me!Never has been but when you work in an office and all you have to wear is second hand stuff which is what I was doing once long ago when IO finished uni so I bouht everything that was reasonably ok and cheap and it seems to be mostly beige. Well its some of iot been in a box for years and is really ok and wearable if the colour changed so black it is going. I have several piles here. Some to be tiedyed some flat dyed and some to go seriously black! allawaiting its turn. Tonight I update my wardrobe goth style and so far its looking really good. At least I will no longer wear faded drab old cloths thta have lost their style and surprising really you add some black dye and it looks new and not exctly up to date but definitely stylish. makes me feel much better about what I wear and much less sad that I have no cash for clothing and infact I am seriosuly looking forward to wearing some of this new stuff/old stuff cos its really good!

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