Saturday, 10 May 2008

bootsales almost and seitan!

I only seem to get time to blog on a weekend recntly. I suppose I should be glad cos that does mean i have a life. Well sort of! Anyway here I am again. Really wish I could spell you know. And typing accurately wouldnt go amiss. Anyway..........

Went looking for boot sales today. Took absolutely hours to find them. Well found one eventualy. Not at all where we were directed but it looks ok. My dad has given us loads of "junk" from his sheds. Some we want to keep and will be very useful. The rest we are going to try and bootsale. Not sure we are really likly to find a buyer for his 52 sweet tins. Some really are collectable but most of the are just old(and not that old )roses and quality street tins! Still the thought is there. Tomorrow we are going to investigate what is meant to be a really big boot sale in Leamington Spa. Its just up the road really so may be worth the effort.

Then we BBQd some Seitan and have to say having tried it twice now I hate the stuff. There not trendy but its just yuk!

Will try to write again tomorrow.

Oh and found out what I do is called "manifesting".

Thats when you say it and you make it happen.

Wild. I have done it for years but didnt know thats what they call it. Well maybe shouldnt make it public but it works really and why not. As a very good friend told me "Make it happen" Why dont you?

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