Monday, 3 March 2008

Fencing and annoying neighbours

Finally we started to do the garden fence. We have now been in this house for 7 months so its about time we did it!. Anyway had great fun playing with the concrete mixer. I love concrete mixers. I just love watching the sand and cement mix with the gravel and water. Maybe I should get out more. Anyway we now have 3 new bits of angle iron firmly cemented in place waiting for the rest to go in so we can put up this chain link that is currenly lying on the ground killing the lawn. Well what there is of lawn which isnt much. Not as many as I had hoped to get in but it takes longer than I expected to dig holes, hammer them in and then concrete around them. With a bit of luck in a couple of weekends time we will finally be able to watch the dogs run in the whole garden. Anyway annoying interfering next door neighbour struck again. She was actually standing hiding behind one of our sheds so we couldnt see her but checking what we were doing yesterday. You know when you get that feeling someone is watching you. Well I got it and went to have a look and there she was. She was quite embarassed to be caught out but I found it really funny. Trouble was she then had to start gardening! As soon as she sees us go into the garden she has to come along and see what we are up to. Then she starts cutting down OUR trees!!. She actually had the gall to stop us from making cement so we had to listen to her so she could get permission to cut back the trees. M copped out and said for me to go and have a look at what she was on about. In then end I said OK cut off the tops of our trees since they are next to her fence-line although on our land and not over hanging her garden at all. Then ofcourse M gets really wound up by the fact she is again interfering with our garden. Tho has to be said she has only done what I was intending to do when I have time and really has saved me a job! She does interfere tho. She actually said she hates Hawthorn and when I explained its an indeginous species and great for garden birds she just didnt get it. I think ( looking at her garden) she has moved from a city (like us) but instead of embracing nature and loving greenery she is rapidly changing her own garden into a grey, concrete wasteland! Not at all what we want. What I really cant get over is she loves the other bit of our hedge which is completely Leylandii!! very weird. I wish she would cut that back. Infact sounds like she is going to hate me when eventually I get round to obliterating all the leylandii and replacing them with Hawthorn which if we stay there long is what I shall do!. Some people really are a bit weird. Well anyway I think really she is checking we are not encroaching on her land which we wouldnt do but she is not going to like at all when her side has a 6 foot fence between our gardens. It has to go up tho and we are paying for it and intend to put it directly next to her existing fence which is falling down. She doesnt want it replaced apparently even if she isnt paying but wants to see the "vista" over all the gardens. Well with chain link she will still be able to see the "vista" but we are still having our 6 foot fence. Sadly I cant seem to get thru to her that she really would not want my 2 unruly dogs running all over her garden, fouling and generally destroying the grass which is what will happen if we dont put a fence up. We will actually lose a few inches of our own garden to do it but if the dogs get to run it will be worth it. M is now threatening to put up wooden fencing next to her garden if she carries on being annoying and hassling us. It would be a great shame to cause our green countrified garden to turn into a city thing with high fencing all down one side but I can see his point! At least then she might stop harrassing us. Luckilly the neighbour the other side is lovely.

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