Thursday, 31 January 2008

Windy Weather

I had to rescue the bins today. Its bin day and they were being blown down the hill. Loads of them in a stream down the road inbetween cars. The trees were all being bent over by the high winds. Wild winds tho are not nice to drive in and I had to drive to work. There was loads of traffic too and normally its a straight run to work. I think the lorries were having to drive very slowly cos of cross winds and that was making everyone else slow down so we had a traffic jam. I am not used to that since I moved to Kilsby. Its a horrible day altogether here. The weather is looking really awful. Its hailing now too. We were hoping to get on with the garden fence this weekend but if its like it is today there is not much chance of that. I bought a heated propogator in Sunday to start off some seeds. Dont want to put it in the greenhouse until the garden is fenced incase it walks. After all if someone will nick a £20 angle grinder from Aldi ( they do very good cheap powertools by the way) they will certainly nick a £30 heated propogater. The angle grinder went walking about a month ago so we are being careful what we store in the garden shed now. Atleast until we have a better fence. Tho if the shed had a proper door it might help. Its just a bit of polythene at the moment. You have great intentions but all these DIY jobs seem to take so long! At the moment anyone can just hop over the garden fence which is infact a bit of garden wire which was put up by the last resident to show where the boundary is. So far we have only managed to fence about a third of the garden. We need to get it finished not just for security reasons but because we moved there so the dogs could have freedom and they wont have till the fence is done. We had a disaster yesterday .............or M did!! Dropped a saucepan on the floor and damaged a floor tile. It would be in the middle too and not on the edge where we haven`t finished tiling wouldnt it. I suppose thats cheap tiles tho. Damage easily. Still we have enought to do the kitchen 3 times over thanks to B&Qs chart which told us we needed 17 boxes when we actually needed 5!. Even accounting for a few mistakes we do not need 17 boxes. I thought since we had bought so many we could use them in the entrance hall which sounds grand but is actually about 3 tiles deep and 4 tiles wide so not very big at all. I dont think it will be a good idea to do that now tho since the entrance is used quite a bit and if they damage as easily as that we are going to be stuffed having them just in the kitchen. Maybe they are only any good for bathrooms. There wasnt anything either in store or on the box to say they were not up to kitchen use. Or is it just that my familly is very good at damaging houses? I cant help but wonder. It would have been nice to finish the tiling before we damaged the floor tho. Still hopefully we can get the damaged tile up and replace it without damaging any of the rest. I will let you know what happens when we attempt it! I suppose if it is really horrible weather we can finish the kitchen floor this weekend.

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