Monday, 15 October 2012


I was sent this link to sign a petition Well I did it cos the girl must be very brave to fight this regime. When I read My forbidden face some years ago now the whole Taliban thing was vey upsetting and that was without me ever having to experience such a life. To be less than second class! Now that is so horrible. There is no word I can think of to describe it. Malala must change the world. I really hope she does. I am sure there must also be many thousands of other women and girls who feel just exactly like her. WE just do not know their names - yet. And how many have already died for just this? Made me blog again anyway. I have been very lazy and un motivated recently. Looking for the next pathway. Well I may have found it. Still no news on the manuscript I sent to a literary agent but no news is good news. Every day when the post arrives I am scared and check for my returned document and so far so good. At least whatever happens it may actually have been read this time. I am still waiting and hoping. Walter still comes and is seen most days and if there are no peas out or wild bird food he still flutters too close and dive bombs for want of a way to describe his antics. And if it rains he / she sits on top of the bird table looking sadly at me. Still tho he is a free wild creature and not in the least tame. Yesterday he was throwing what was possibly his most recent offspring off the table. They must now be old enough to look after themselves. Walter for us was a success story indeed. Except for one tiny problem.......I feel tied. That I am now not able to move house since he may just be relying on my peas and food to survive. So for now at least I am stuck here. wood pigeons get to around 17 years of age. Walter is just about 2 years old now so we have some time yet in this house. The fact was when for just one day we had no wild bird seed and Walter followed me around in the garden and front and back of the house where usually Walter is never noticed sort of suggests the food is needed and important. And so I have a problem.......Does the bird actually know how to survive without our help?