Its been months. I have been ill. Diagnosed with Raynauds which is not a nice complaint. I have probably had it years. remember symptoms going back to 1995. Still life goes on.
Walter has taken to sitting on the Alder tree morning and evening. This mornng he/she flew down into the shady garden where the snowdrops grow ( my garden is split into sections) and picked up a twig. Flew into the alder again and showed me then flew onto the one remaining leylandii and sat starting at me. I felt maybe I should go and I walked away but turned to watch just around the corner to see walter disapear into the middle of the leylandii. Well we had best let that one live now hadnt we! Lovely to know this creature though and more than a year after his/her release it is amazing that it seems to want to know me. Always at a distance for this is wild bird not a pet, but still walter makes himself known. He also seems very jealous when I tell my chickens they are beautiful or fluffy or whatever other silly things I tell them and starts to coo-coo to get my attention. I feel very privaledged to know this wild animal. I somehow doubt I will ever know another wild bird as well as this one. It is a once in a lifetime friendship this.
I am currently tryin to make a needle case. Its quite difficult since most patterns use flet and its wool so is not vegan. So far I am playing with velvet and various other fabric but have yet to make a decision. I used to have some felt squares infact. If they are still in the shed I may just have to give in and use them. After all I still own them even if they have been in a box for years and what is worst, to throw something useful cos it happens to be made of wool - I still bought them sometime, or to be a good vegan and go and buy something new. My morals do become a bit confusing sometimes.
This is about me finding myself and the story of how I have changed my life, become self employed and how I developed the products which are now my livelihood. Its the story of all the trials and problems and wonders of life that happen. I cannot even think what it would be like to return to the me of 2008 now and altho I am very poor really financially I am so very much happier and quality of life is so much better. And I am closer to being free than ever before in my adult life.