I have been very busy as you can see from the title of this post. I have sold my first magazine article and it is out in the september magazine of making scents. hey! I have a second one next month with a bit of luck and am hoping to get one a month from now on. Tho having said that the next subject matter is a bit hard to do so I am not too hopeful of getting an article into the November issue. Still maybe I will have a sudden insight. I did last month so you never know do you?
Have made lots of soap for xmas and its officially on sale as of today at my website
I have yet to add some photos and buttons but it will happen by midnight tonight I promise! I have never named my website before but it seems the whole street where I live now knows what I do so what the hell. All publicity is good publicity etc. Anyway off to make some new LHR xmas soap forthis year since what I have made so far will with luck be gone by the end of september. Last year I made 16 batches and had a few bars left but sold most of it so I am hoping for a similar happeneing this winter. Next week off to London Edge and NEC for autumn fair so that should be good. Next few weeks will be in Brighton for new incredible veggie show..........
What next ?
This is about me finding myself and the story of how I have changed my life, become self employed and how I developed the products which are now my livelihood. Its the story of all the trials and problems and wonders of life that happen. I cannot even think what it would be like to return to the me of 2008 now and altho I am very poor really financially I am so very much happier and quality of life is so much better. And I am closer to being free than ever before in my adult life.