Monday, 30 November 2009

slackness at blogging!

Well its a whole month and finally I am back blogging. Very strage this month has been. I have not done so many markets but have started to sell on Ebay - not my own products but ornaments. I suppose if it pays the bills............. It all began when I decided to sign up for dropshipping - dont do this its a rip off! - I paid my £25 and listed my items - followed the companies guidelines exactly, they say if they have less than 200 of something do not list for dropshipping so I chose things to list on ebay with more than 300 in stock. 3 days later I have sold my first ornament. Great thinks me. How exciting. Go to order from dropship company and they have removed from drop shipping list since have only 12 left and they keep them for their wholesale customers - after 3 days! So I ring them and politely ask what I can do. They assure me its most unusual and say that on this occassion only and because I am new to dropshipping they will sort it and send anyway. I have to email them the details. I am stressing. I decide they have 12 left and most of the other items I have listed are still available and obviously drop shipping doesnt work so I decide to buy everything I have already listed wholesale. Amazingly it comes the next day! And 3 days later the company have still not sorted out my dropship order despite telling me they will do so. Anyway so now I have the goods and I send onto the buyer. He gave me a really nice review too which is lovely. So I have loads of ornaments and am now selling em on ebay. Not what I intended to do when I quit my job but maybe it will generate the money I need to survive since my own company is not. Tho strangely every time I have a ebay order I am now also getting orders from my own website. The last 2 weekends I made more from the internet than at markets. Maybe this truly is the way to be free............